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Law Enforcement


Identifying and Intercepting School Violence Through Cyber-Investigation


Law Enforcement and School Officials need to obtain the proper information when responding to threats of school violence online.  Especially when there is “Leakage” and the posting party is targeting students and school personnel.  It is important for the LEO/School Administrator to obtain crucial information and evidence in these cases and initiate due process paperwork in a timely manner. The LEO will then continue the investigation and use the Exigent Circumstances protocol to get the appropriate information.  Identifying the perpetrator immediately provides Law Enforcement and Schools the ability to act quickly and proactively to reduce the threat of school shootings and other forms of violence.


Title of Instruction:         

Identifying and Intercepting School Violence Through Cyber-Investigations


Time Allotted:                   

2 Days Sixteen Hours (16)


Target Group:                   

Patrol Officers, Detectives, Resource Officers, Probation and School Administrators



Detective Richard Wistocki (RET.), Naperville, Illinois Police Department


Method of Instruction:  

Computer Lab and Class Room


Items / Materials:             

Flash Drives (supplied) with necessary documents


Instructional Objectives:

Upon completion of the training exercises, participants will:


  • Learn why it is important NOT to disregard information given to LEO or school officials.

  • Understand what the term “Leakage” means and how we can interpret the information.

  • Learn about free and open source online investigative tools.

  • Know items of cyber evidence needed to successfully identify suspects who post online threats.

  • Learn the three-step process in investigating internet crimes.

  • Learn the importance of Preservation, Exigent Circumstances and Search Warrants if needed.

  • Learn how to obtain IP's, screen names, screen captures, and email headers

  • Outline state laws covering; Terrorist Threat, Falsely Making a Terrorist Threat, Swatting and Causing a Catastrophe.

  • Once suspect is identified, importance of search warrant, arrest, interrogation and mental evaluation.

  • We will examine a successful cyber-crime case study investigation from start to finish.

Patrol Officer Response to Internet Crime (In-Person)


Time Allotted:        

2 Days


Target Group:        

Patrol Officers, Detectives, Resource Officers, Probation and States Attorney’s



Detective Richard Wistocki, Naperville Police Department


Method of Instruction:    

Computer Lab and Class Room


Items / Materials:            

A variety of investigation specific files delivered via download


Instructional Goal:
The decisions made by the first responder can either make or break a sometimes sensitive internet/digital investigation. This 8 hour program will address the patrol response which is crucial in the handling of complaints and investigations related to internet based crimes, i.e. Fraud, Sexting, Cyber-bullying, Sex Predators, Stalking etc.

This Webinar format allows the first responder to be in the comforts of their own home and or police agency.  It is recommended that the Patrol Officer attending this class should have a direct internet connection and NOT a wireless connection.


Instructional Objectives:


Upon completion of the training exercises, participants will:


  • Obtain the basic overview of Craigslist, EBay, Facebook, Various email services, Google, YouTube, Dating Sites, Snapchat, and Instagram.

  • To search a live hard drive for pictures and videos.

  • How to detect if software based key logging software is attached to the computer.

  • Obtain crucial information in Internet/Computer Fraud Cases.

  • Understand how to obtain IP’s, screen names, email headers, Social Networks

  • User I.D. Banking information and Cell Phone data for the initial report.

  • Various laws concerning Internet Crime such as Computer Tampering, Stalking, Computer Fraud, Identity Theft, Harassment through Electronic Communication, Sexting, Indecent Solicitation of a Child, Sexual Exploitation of a Child and Child Pornography.

  • Overview of computer and cell phone forensics and when it is appropriate to seize these items from a victim or a suspect to be analyzed.

  • The differences in charging Harassment through Electronic Communication and Cyber-Stalking.

  • Procedures involved in obtaining a Stalking No Contact Civil Order of Protection.

  • Day 2 will focus on utilizing these tools and methods in real world applications investigating and solving cases.


Social Networking/Cellphone Applications Investigations
(In-Person Class)


Time Allotted:        

2 Days


Target Group:        

Patrol Officers, Detectives, Resource Officers, Probation and States Attorney’s



Detective Richard Wistocki, Naperville Police Department


Method of Instruction:    

Computer Lab and Class Room


Items / Materials:            

A variety of investigation specific files delivered via download


Instructional Goal:

The decisions made by first responders and detectives can either make or break sometimes sensitive investigations into internet-based crimes such as fraud, sexting, cyber bullying, predatory sexual behaviors, stalking, etc.. Intended for both patrol and investigations, this 16 hour course will address ways in which officers can obtain crucial information and evidence in these cases, how due process paperwork is set into motion, and the investigative responses that are critical in the successful handling of these complaints.


Objectives include:


  • Social networks and the information contained in them

  • Searching live hard drives for pictures and videos

  • Searching social networks for suspected criminal activity

  • Obtaining IP’s, screen names, e-mail headers, Facebook user ID’s and cell phone data

       for investigations

  • Writing subpoenas and search warrants for social networking sites

  • Laws concerning computer tampering, stalking, computer fraud, identity theft, harassment through electronic communications, sexting, indecent solicitation of a child sexual exploitation of a child, and child pornography

  • Computer and cell phone forensics: When is it appropriate to seize these items?

  • Differences in charging Harassment through Electronic Communication and cyber-stalking

  • When is it appropriate and not appropriate to contact suspects in any of these cases?

  • Cell phone applications and how people are using them today

2 Day Cyber-Bullying and Sexting Investigations with Appropriate Consequences

Time Allotted:        

2 Days


Target Group:        

Patrol Officers, Detectives, Resource Officers, Probation and States Attorney’s, School Principals, School Administrators and School Deans.



Detective Richard Wistocki, Naperville Police Department


Method of Instruction:    

Computer Lab and Class Room


Items / Materials:            

A variety of investigation specific files delivered via download


Instructional Goal:

Upon completion of the training exercises, participants will:


  • Understand  why teens and how teens manufacture their own child pornography and distribute  it to other teens.

  • We  will examine our current laws and how they affect our children who commit  these crimes.

  • The  laws we will examine are Possession, Manufacture and Distribution of Child  Pornography, Harmful Material, Obscenity and the Illinois Juvenile Court Act  of 2000.

  • We  will learn how to Investigate, Process Juveniles in a diversionary program and  make sure these images will not be distributed online by using the NCMEC Child  Victim Identification Program (CVIP)

  • We  will examine software (MMWD) and how Law Enforcement can educate parents on  how to use this software to monitor their children.

  • We  will examine proposed legislation and the intent of that legislation in  protecting our children.





Delivering Effective Internet Safety Presentations for Parents and Students

Time Allotted:

24 hours (3-8Hr Days)


Target Group:

School Resource Officers, Juvenile Officers, Crime Prevention Officers



Detective Richard Wistocki


Method of Instruction:

In class and hands on computer laboratory


Items / Materials:

A variety of investigation specific files delivered via download



Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Undercover Operations, Will County State’s Attorney, Spector Soft, My Mobile Watch Dog, Techsmith


Instructional Goal:

This program is designed to keep up with the cutting edge of technology when dealing with preparing internet safety presentations for students and parents. We will cover the Illinois Cyberstalking laws and pending legislation. The program will demonstrate how Resource Officers, Juvenile Officers and Crime Prevention Officers should start the presentations with effective materials.  The officer will be able to obtain information that is vital to the investigation of computer crime. The officer will examine the forms necessary to preserve and access information to help the investigation. Having this knowledge will allow the presenter to answer audience questions effectively. This is a certification program that is hands on.  The Resource Officer will come to understand the basic principles in investigating internet crime. From there, they will be able to logically transfer their investigative ability to teach Students and Parents with knowledge and understanding how internet crime is investigated. A final portion of this presentation is the “The Cop and The Convict” program.  This presentation is for parents in their efforts to give them tools to protect their children from drug abuse.  This will be administered by presenting the drug problem, institute a drug testing policy at home, monitoring cell phone and computer use. This training will instruct the following topics:

Instructional Objectives:

  • The Topics of Instruction per day

    • Day 1: The foundations of the presentation for the Student, Parent, and “The Cop and The Convict”.

    • Day 2: The Officer will make his/her own PPT to present with cutting edge topics.

    • Day 3: The Officer will present in the morning (Student Presentation) and afternoon (Parent Presentation) with constructive criticism.

Lesson Plan:

I.                   Introduction:

The importance of up to date and cutting edge Internet Safety Presentations for Students and Parents in order to keep our kids safe in our communities.

II.                Body

Understand the concepts of what children and parents need to know in an internet safety presentation

  1. Cyber-bullying

  2. Suicide

  3. Social Networks

  4. Predators on Social Networks

  5. Cell Phone Applications

  6. Sexting

  7. False Personation of a person

  8. Stalking

  9. Harassment Through Electronic Communication

  10. Software to monitor cell phones and home computers

  11. The administration of Drug Testing in the privacy of the parents own home.

  12. Tactics on getting parents to show up for your presentation

  13. Sources of funding for these presentations

The Resource Office will be supplied with three basic Power Point Presentations:

  1. This presentation will be for children grades 6-12.  This will be a 1-1.5 hour presentation.

  2. This presentation will be a 1.5-2.0 hour Parent Presentation

  3. This presentation will discuss the “The Cop and The Convict” program where parents learn how to monitor their children’s drug use through drug testing and monitoring cell phone and computer use.

Learn the ability to add to Power Point Presentations using Snag It:

  1. Image Captures

  2. Page Scrolling Captures

  3. Video Captures

Once the students Power Point Presentation is completed:

  1. Students will pick a topic of choice

  2. They will present that choice in front of the class

  3. There will be a constructive criticism session for the Resource Officer

  4. A second topic will be chosen

  5. The second topic will be presented using the constructive criticism.

  6. Mock questions will be asked of the presenter.

The Resource Office will be given a thumb drive to take with him/her to conduct effective and cutting edge Internet Safety Presentations to Students and Parents.

III.             Closing

  1. Training review

  2. Questions and answers

  3. Testing

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